Compare Bank North Fargo business checking accounts
See all of our business checking accounts together to choose the right one for you.
Basic Business Checking | Analysis Business Checking | Non-Profit Checking | |
Perfect for | Small businesses who just want the basics. | Larger businesses who need a full array of services. | Non-profit organizations who just need the basics. |
Minimum opening deposit | $100 | $100 | $100 |
Minimum balance required to avoid service charge | No minimum balance requirement. | No minimum balance requirement. | No minimum balance requirement. |
Monthly charge if your account goes below the minimum | N/A, no minimum balance. | First monthly charge is waived, and future charges depend on level of activity (see “Important notes�? below). | N/A, no minimum balance. |
Earns interest | No | No | No |
Free online banking | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Free online bill pay | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Free Visa debit card | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Additional benefits | $50 towards your first order of checks and itemized monthly statement with image copy of cancelled checks. | Earnings credit may offset monthly fees. Unlimited check writing and itemized monthly statements with image copy of cancelled checks are also provided. | Unlimited check writing and itemized monthly statement with image copy of cancelled checks. |
Important notes | There is no monthly service charge if you have less than 500 transactions per month. Once you exceed 500 transactions, there is a $0.10 fee for each one after that. Transactions include withdrawals, deposits, and deposited items. | Cash Management and Remote Deposit services are available with this account. Transaction charges: $0.14 for each check/debit, $0.45 for each credit, and $0.08 per deposit item. | N/A |