Account application

Fill your forms out now, save time later

Opening an account at Bank North Fargo has never been easier. Save time in person by printing your forms ahead of time and completing them before you come in. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Download a form below.
  2. Fill it out as thoroughly as possible.
  3. Gather the documents under the “Account opening checklist�? below, and bring them with you when you come to Bank North Fargo .
  4. Visit our branch to finish opening your account.

Download a personal account form
Download a business account form

Account opening checklist

Personal accounts:

  • Two forms of ID: Driver’s license and another ID card with your legal name on it (e.g., credit card, teacher ID, etc.)

Business accounts:

  • EIN assignment letter
  • Articles of incorporation or organization
  • Management agreement or operating agreement (optional)

Note: If you’re adding signers to the account, you will need photocopies of these documents for each of those individuals as well.